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Archive for August 26th, 2018


Sabbatical 2018 Week 2: Big Data Modeling

I survived week 2 of my sabbatical. I spent a good portion of time learning about big data modeling. I learned a few things including how to identify the major components in semi-structured data from a weather station and how to create plots of weather station data. I’m not confident I really learned how to do this; however, I was able to follow directions and type in the correct commands to get the desired results.

VMVirtualBoxThe challenge is that we’re using this Oracle VM VirtualBox, and I’m not certain why. For instance, one of the first steps was to open a spreadsheet application in the terminal shell. All was fine until I got an error message when running command “oocalc”. No spreadsheet application for me. I checked the discussion forum and found others have had this same error, but all the suggested fixes didn’t work for me. I posted my problem and have not yet received any help. Now I understand why so few people complete MOOCs. You’re on your own.

Oh well. Screw the terminal. I just downloaded a LibreOffice spreadsheet application to my computer and loaded up the CSV file and everything worked fine. I did try to use Microsoft Excel at first, but the instructions didn’t match up.

Later in the week I had to go back to the dreaded VirtualBox to learn how to display the nested structure of a JSON file and to extract data from a JSON file. This time we were playing around with some Twitter data and everything was fine. My confidence was boosted although temporarily. I had some challenges in the terminal shell in the next lesson trying to view the dimensions and pixel values in a image. It didn’t work at all for me. So I rolled my eyes and sent a silent prayer that that knowledge would never be necessary. I’m starting to get a feel for how some of my students might feel when learning new concepts in Comp I and II. They’re probably praying that I never ask them to demonstrate certain skills ever. I feel your pain.

I ended the week with a few more mishaps in the VirtualBox. I’m really hoping the tool is not a standard tool for data analysis and something that’s related to how Coursera works. I’m getting a little tired of watching a video of the tool working great, but when I try it – FAIL! It’s really not good for my ego or my confidence. But I will persist.

sarcasticUp next I’ll be finishing up the first course: Intro to Big Data and moving on to Week 3 of 6 in the Big Data Modeling and Management Systems course. Can’t wait to use the VirtualBox!

I also need to set up a meeting with district Canvas support to discuss the Canvas Data Portal. They’re going to turn that right on once I ask.