Big Data & Analytics Annotated Bibliography
As part of my sabbatical, I need to gain a basic understanding of statistics and data structure and get an overall sense of what educational data analytics entails, so I did some research and created a short reading list of published articles and books to read. Last summer I read Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O’Neil as part of our learning analytics professional learning community (PLC) at GCC. I also started reading a few of the articles I found including Academic analytics and data mining in higher education and Educational Data Analytics Technologies For Data-Driven Decision Making In Schools.
I plan to add to this list as I go, so if you have any suggested articles or books you think I should read, send them my way. Over the course of this semester I will be reading and adding to my Big Data & Analytics Annotated Bibliography. I’ve created this post to share my work. I’ve also included my Appendix D: Reference/Reading list for Sabbatical below.
Big Data & Analytics Annotated Bibliography
Baepler, P., & Murdoch, C. (2010). Academic analytics and data mining in higher education.
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4(2). doi:10.20429/
This essay links the concepts of academic analytics, data mining in higher education, and
course management system audits and suggests how these techniques and the data they produce
might be useful to those who practice the scholarship of teaching and learning. Academic
analytics, educational data mining, and CMS audits, although in their incipient stages, can
begin to sift through the noise and provide SoTL researchers with a new set of tools to
understand and act on a growing stream of useful data.
Appendix C
Sabbatical Reading List
Baepler, P., & Murdoch, C. (2010). Academic analytics and data mining in higher education. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 4(2). doi:10.20429/ijsotl.2010.040217
Delaware County Community College. (n.d.). Big data, algorithms, and predictive analytics – Learning analytics – LibGuides at Delaware County Community College. Retrieved July 13, 2017, from
Herold, B. (2016, January 11). The future of big data and analytics in K-12 education – Education Week. Retrieved from
Lawson, J. (2015). Data science in higher education: A step-by-step introduction to machine learning for institutional researchers. Chico, CA.
Picciano, A. G. (2012). The evolution of big data and learning analytics in American higher education. Online Learning, 16(3). doi:10.24059/olj.v16i3.267
Reinitz, B. (2017, August 10). 2017 Trends and Technologies: Analytics. Retrieved from
Sampson, D. G. (2016, October 22). Learning analytics: Analyze your lesson to discover more about your students – eLearning Industry. Retrieved from
Sampson, D. G. (2016, October 20). Educational data analytics technologies for data-driven decision making in schools – eLearning Industry. Retrieved from
What’s the Hardest Part About Teaching Students Research?
Grading the final paper? Ha! Just kidding.
Although grading those research papers has been a painful experience in the past, I’ve been on a mission to improve the process for both myself and my students, and lately things have been a lot better. So I’d say the hardest part about teaching students research is getting them to understand what synthesis means and how to do it properly. Research papers for most students means taking pieces of content from others and piecemealing together what they want their paper to say. This type of paper is painful to read and grade. I figured if I could get them to understand how to synthesize to support their own voice, I could probably get some decent papers. So this is what I did.
First, I stopped spending so much time on teaching APA format and asking students to spend time reading text about HOW to do research. My new approach is we are just going to do it. A little at a time. I started by creating a list of lessons to help teach students about research and the research process. These lessons are created using tools like Softchalk and Storyline 360. These tools allow for me to talk to students about these concepts, show examples and then ask quick questions about their understanding. It’s much more engaging. The way these lessons are integrated into the course, it makes students feel as if it’s just another opportunity to hear from the instructor about another piece of the process. A quick snapshot of some of the lessons are displayed here to the right.
The next step was to adopt a technology tool to help students learn APA documentation style without it being a hindrance to the process as a whole. The tool I chose was NoodleTools. I learned about it from one of our awesome librarians, Pamela Gautier, and it’s a tool created by librarians. I needed a tool that was not just a citation generator. I wanted something that could be used to teach students and to help students through the whole research process, thus allowing me to spend more time on teaching synthesis and analysis of sources instead of how to manage a research project.
NoodleTools is an online platform designed to be a one-stop support system for students’ research. It includes a thesis writing feature, research planner / due date reminder, notecard generator, development space (collaborating with GoogleDocs) and, of course, a citation generator.
One of my first assignments for students is to teach them about creating an annotated bibliography to keep track of their sources during the research process. NoodleTools has a lot of resources for students and faculty to help teach many concepts as well as how to use the tool. My focus is more on the purpose for keeping an annotated bibliography and how the annotations are written. NoodleTools helps instruct students on the process and format. For instance, NoodleTools will show students a list of possible source types to choose from (see image). Depending on the citation type selected, a Show Me tutorial may be available to help students evaluate the source. The lessons are differentiated based on which level the student is in: Starter, Junior, or Advanced.
Once students start to fill in the citation form with information about their source, the form provides further support with pop up dialogue boxes. So when a student puts the cursor in the Article Title form field, a pop-up with the follow message appears: “Article title: Capitalize sentence-style (only the first letter of the first word in the title and in the subtitle (if any), as well as the first letter of any proper nouns).” For students learning APA, this is a big change from MLA, which they learned in ENG101. So it doesn’t just format the citation for students. They are learning as they use the tool. After I’ve taught student how to write annotations for the sources, they come back to NoodleTools to add them to each citation, which again is a very easy process for students.
I could set up a dropbox (Inbox) in NoodleTools for students to submit their projects for me to grade in NoodleTools; however, for the annotated bibliography I want for student to see how it is formatted. So I instruct students to Print/Export to Word or Google Docs, and their annotated bibliographies are formatted beautifully. I almost wanted to cry when I got 90% correctly formatted assignments. I was able to spend most of my time grading the content and very little correcting APA formatting mistakes. Students felt less stressed about it too. Here’s an example of what the annotated bibliography looks like exported directly out of NoodleTools. Not perfect, but a good start.
Now for the good stuff. Remember the good old days of physical notecards. We color coded them, stacked them in piles, wrote all over them. Organized them in ways to help write the paper. It was glorious. But I stopped requiring physical notecards for my students 10 years ago when I started teaching online. For obvious reasons, but I truly feel as if it affected my students’ ability to synthesize. I was desperate for a solution, and NoodleTools did the job. In the image to the right you can see some digital notecards that can be color coded and tagged and moved around the virtual desktop. This is really cool, but the best part is teaching students how to create good notecards.
NoodleTools helps immensely with this process. In class we learn basic note taking skills using summary, paraphrase and quotes. Why and how. We also practice annotating sources using After they have that down, we learn to make notecards. The process makes it impossible for students to not cite their sources correctly. Well, nearly impossible. Once they click the New Notecard button, a dialogue box appears (see below) that guides students through the process of taking a note. It prompts them to choose a source for the note, and there is a drop down menu of all of their sources (4).
They title the notecard to help with organization, and in box 5 on the left they add in a direct quotation. I can edit the instructions that pop up in each box. For instance, I’ve added to my assignment that students should wrap that direct quote in quotation marks. On the right side is where they put in their paraphrase or summary using their own words. I have students do both so they can choose which to use in the paper later. Lastly they add their own ideas, original thinking in the bottom of box 5. Again I’ve edited the instructions to meet the needs for the assignment.
The next step in the process is to create an outline for the research paper and then have students add notecards to the outline. This helps students organize the notes they plan to include in the paper. It also helps them to visualize how synthesis works. They are adding notes to help support their own arguments, and not just adding notes to make up the paper. So it helps to get students to start with a good outline. We start small with a template (see below) and then fill it in with complete sentences as we continue the process. Students can drag the notecards from the left and drop them right into the outline on the right.
Overall NoodleTools has been a great tool to help teach students the research process, and it’s also been easy for me to keep up with the grading, as students can submit their research projects in a NoodleTools Inbox that I can set up, or they can easily download to Google Drive or Microsoft Word and submit in Canvas. It’s definitely worth checking out.
Annotating Online Sources Using Diigo
If you have any need for annotating webpages or PDFs for a research project, then Diigo is the tool for you. Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag web-pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page. This is especially helpful for students working on research projects, as Diigo is web based and free.
I’ve shared information about Diigo previously, Using Social Bookmarking in Research Assignments, so check that post out as well. But in this post I want to share with you how to set up an assignment for students to create a modified annotated bibliography. The gist of the assignment is: Students will search for and find web articles relevant to their research projects and create an annotated bibliography with those sources.
- Go to and click Sign Up. You can apply for a teacher account option here, after you have signed up.
- The next step is to set up in a group for your class. Watch a video to learn how to set up a group in Diigo. Groups are nice for organization by class, but not necessary.
- Next get students signed up for Diigo. Send them to and click Sign Up. You can set up accounts for students, but that’s more appropriate for K-12 students who need more guidance and greater privacy.
- Then give them this assignment: Annotated Bibliography Using Diigo
PDF annotation can be done by first uploading the PDF file and then opening it within your Diigo library, or alternatively and often more conveniently, by opening it directly in the browser and using the Diigo browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. (extensions for IE, Safari, and Opera currently do not support this capability)
Diigo is free with an option to Go Pro for a few extra features. They also have educator accounts. There is a heavy focus on education with this tool, so if you sign up with an educator account, you’ll end up with a Teacher Console area where you can manage all of your classes (groups).
Here’s How it Works
ENG102 Research Assignment – Odyssey V: Locating Reference Sources
Back in January I blogged about the research assignments I use in my ENG102 course. I call these assignments Odyssey assignments to put emphasis on their importance. You can read more about that in the first assignment: Odyssey I. I thought it would be a nice addition to share the assignments too. So if you haven’t done so, revisit the first post and then come back and view the assignments.
- Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
- Odyssey II: Locating Books
- Odyssey III: Locating Periodicals in Databases
- Odyssey IV: Scholarly Journal Search
- Odyssey V: Locating Reference Sources
We do this assignment in Week 10, and prior to doing the assignments students are instructed to view the following lessons: Reference Sources (but I haven’t created it yet), so they read these handouts:
- Handout: Finding Reference Sources using the Library Catalog
- Handout: Using Reference Books
Assignment #9 – Odyssey V: Locating Reference Sources
Instructional Objectives
In this assignment students will:
- refine strategies for understanding and evaluating sources,
- refine strategies for searching library catalog systems for reference sources, and
- practice note taking skills by writing paraphrases, summaries and quoting sources.
How do I find reference sources using the Library Catalog?
The Library Catalog contains records for both print and online reference sources. Below are some suggestions which will help you locate reference materials when you search the Library Catalog. Since we have already searched online sources. This assignment will focus only on reference sources housed in a physical library.
Tips for Finding Specific Types of Reference Sources
Click on the handout to access this material. Inside are some suggestions for locating specific types of reference sources based on Library of Congress Subject Headings.
Assignment #9 Instructions
After you have read the handout on Finding Reference Sources Using the Library Catalog, grab the Library of Congress Classification Outline handout to use as a guide. You can also get the handout in the GCC library. You MUST visit a local library to do this assignment. NO ONLINE sources can be used for Part I of this assignment. Using the four basic types of reference works: almanacs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and quotation books, complete the following instructions:
Read more
ENG102 Research Assignment – Odyssey IV: Scholarly Journal Search
Back in January I blogged about the research assignments I use in my ENG102 course. I call these assignments Odyssey assignments to put emphasis on their importance. You can read more about that in the first assignment: Odyssey I. I thought it would be a nice addition to share the assignments too. So if you haven’t done so, revisit the first post and then come back and view the assignments.
- Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
- Odyssey II: Locating Books
- Odyssey III: Locating Periodicals in Databases
- Odyssey IV: Scholarly Journal Search
We do this assignment in Week 9, and prior to doing the assignments students are instructed to view the following lessons:
- Documenting Sources Using APA Format (Presentation) – An interactive presentation with audio. Copyright 2006 by the Academic Center and the University of Houston-Victoria
- APA 6th Edition Running Head video
Assignment #8 – Odyssey IV: Scholarly Journal Search
Instructional Objectives
In this assignment students will:
- refine strategies for understanding and evaluating sources.
- refine strategies for searching online database systems for scholarly articles, and
- practice note taking skills by writing paraphrases, summaries and quoting sources
Searching Scholarly Journals
I. Go to the GCC library website: or click the Library Resources tab on the left. From the GCC Library Homepage, click on the Articles & Databases link in the left column or at the top in blue. Choose the Academic Search Premier database from the General list. This scholarly collection offers journal, magazine, and newspaper articles in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, etc. as well as 180,000 searchable images.
If you are accessing the GCC library from off campus, you will need to log in with your MEID and password. There is help on the login page if you need it, and you can always click the link to
Once you’re in, Click on Advanced Search.
ENG102 Research Assignment – Odyssey III: Locating Periodicals in Databases
Back in January I blogged about the research assignments I use in my ENG102 course. I call these assignments Odyssey assignments to put emphasis on their importance. You can read more about that in the first assignment: Odyssey I. I thought it would be a nice addition to share the assignments too. So if you haven’t done so, revisit the first post and then come back and view the assignments.
- Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
- Odyssey II: Locating Books
- Odyssey III: Locating Periodicals in Databases
We do this assignment in Week 6, and prior to doing the assignments students are instructed to view the following lesson: Lesson 6.2 Periodicals & Databases
Assignment #6: Odyssey III – Locating Periodicals in Databases
Instructional Objectives
In this assignment students will:
- refine strategies for searching the online database systems.
- and practice note taking skills by writing paraphrases and quoting sources
A Little Humor About Using Databases Instead of Google
Odyssey III Steps:
ENG102 Research Assignment – Odyssey II: Locating Books
Back in January I blogged about the research assignments I use in my ENG102 course. I call these assignments Odyssey assignments to put emphasis on their importance. You can read more about that in the first assignment: Odyssey I. I thought it would be a nice addition to share the assignments too. So if you haven’t done so, revisit the first post and then come back and view the assignments.
- Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
- Odyssey II: Locating Books
We do this assignment in Week 5, and prior to doing the assignments students are instructed to view the following lesson: Lesson 5.2 Documenting Sources Using MLA Format (UHV source)
Assignment #5 – Odyssey II: Locating Books
Instructional Objectives
In this assignment students will:
- refine strategies for searching the online card catalog systems,
- and practice note taking skills by writing paraphrases and quoting sources
How to Search the Online Library Catalog
A library catalog provides information about the books, periodicals, videos, databases, and other materials owned by a library. In the past, library catalogs were kept on cards in wooden drawers. Today, it is common for the records to be kept online, allowing you to search them by computer. Regardless of the form of access, the function is the same: to describe the materials owned by the library so that you can locate them by author, title, or subject. Read the online presentation: How to Search the Online Library Catalog.
Locating Books
Successful research depends on creating and using an appropriate and useful vocabulary. You will run into many new words and ideas about your subject during your research. Add these words to your research list. Label them New Words. List at least five new words. The card catalog should give you strong access to our collection if you use the vocabulary you developed in the previous odyssey creatively in the subject, keyword, and even author fields. You may use the school library or a local public library, but you should visit a library for this assignment. Visit the school library site:
ENG102 Research Assignment – Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
Back in January I blogged about the research assignments I use in my ENG102 course. I call these assignments Odyssey assignments to put emphasis on their importance. You can read more about that in the first assignment below. I thought it would be a nice addition to share the assignments too. So if you haven’t done so, revisit the first post and then come back and view the assignments.
We do this assignment in Week 3, and prior to doing the assignments students are instructed to view the following lessons:
Assignment #3 – Odyssey I: Locating Sources on the Internet
Instructional Objectives
In this assignment students will:
- further developed their ability to read critically,
- refine strategies of academic research, including searching the internet using two different strategies and compiling a list of sources (working bibliography),
- and refine paraphrasing skills.
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Send Students on an Odyssey When Doing Research
In my ENG102 Freshman Composition course I have 10 assignments and four papers that students do before they submit their final research projects. Five of the assignments are research assignments and are required in order to submit a final paper. I named the research assignments Odysseys, something I borrowed from a colleague years ago when I first started teaching at CAC. The whole idea of the Odyssey assignments is to get students practicing several research skills in one assignment that are directly related to their final projects. This is how I introduce these assignments to students.
What is an Odyssey?
An odyssey, famous for a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy, is a long wandering and eventful journey. This is a perfect description for writing a research paper. It’s not something that we put together in a day. Writing a research paper is a long wandering and eventful journey, so some of the key journeys in this process have been labeled odysseys to indicate their importance. All Odyssey assignments are required and must be submitted in order for your final paper to be accepted. No skipping Odysseys. They are mandatory.
The Odyssey assignments include: Read more
What Do Students Learn by Using Social Bookmarking Site Diigo?
Initially students don’t care too much for Diigo when I introduce it in an assignment in Week 2 of the semester. They’re still trying to get used to all the other new technology in the online course, and Diigo is almost the stone that breaks the camel’s back. But not quite. They warm up to it as the course moves on. I’ve questioned whether having students use yet another technology tool is too much for them to deal with, but the advantages of what they learn and experience by using it out weighs any reservations I may have had.
So, what exactly are the advantages of having students use this social bookmarking tool? First, they are in the exploratory phase of their research projects. They’re still trying to figure out what good topics are, so in order to not have them wondering alone in this process, I have them sharing ideas. Diigo allows for students to share bookmarks with each other in a group area. All of the sites saved in the group show up for all to see.
As shown in the image above, I teach students about taxonomy. Taxonomy is a way to group things together using tags. It makes it easier for students to find common topics within the group posts. Students are supposed to use the class theme tag: “personal+freedoms” along with 5 of their own tags based on the subject of the site bookmarked. Diigo then creates a tag list (right below) for the group so students can look at the most popular topics that emerge during the search process. Rights, laws, health and the constitution are all popular with students. Read more