ENG102 Screencast: Getting Started with Delicious
Getting Started with Delicious
This screencast covers the basics of signing up for a delicious account, installing the delicious toolbar/buttons, saving a website, and updating your personal profile.
To learn more about delicious and social bookmarking, check out the Common Craft video below, Social Bookmarking in Plain English.
ENG102 Screencast: Summaries & Bedford Bibliographer
Assn. #1: Summaries & Bedford Bibliographer
The screencast will walk you through completing assignment #1: writing your summaries and inputting them and the article bibliographies into Bedford Bibliographer.
ENG102 Screencast: Formatting Assignments
Formatting Assignments
This screencast will show you how to correctly format and save your assignments before you submit them for grading.
LEARNtech #3: Notifications & Messages in Ning
This lesson covers the Ning Social Network: Turning Off Notifications & Checking Messages.