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September 16, 2024

Editing YouTube Captions for Readability in Canvas Studio Using AI

This post is a follow up post to my last post: Canvas Studio’s Auto-Captioning Feature Does Not Work for Videos Added by a YouTube Link. This might make a bit more sense if you read and watch that video first. As I was saying in the previous video, many faculty use videos from YouTube in Canvas Studio, which doesn’t bring over the captions for those videos. And if you manage to get those captions into Studio, YouTube doesn’t always do a great job of presenting those captions. Just click CC on my YouTube video below to see how bad they are. It’s basically just words on the screen with no punctuation or formatting, which is really not acceptable.

This video demonstrates how to add accurate captions to videos using YouTube’s auto-generated captions and a chatbot to insert punctuation and improve readability in Canvas Studio videos.

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