Micro-Lectures with Video and Audio Tools – eLearning Community of Practice (eLCoP)
On Friday GCC hosted the eLearning Community of Practice (eLCoP) in Maricopa. Our topic was Micro-Lectures with video and audio tools, and we had a nice lineup of GCC faculty sharing how they use micro-lectures in their classes: Chris Nielson, Amanda Murphy, JoAnn Pell and myself. We had a great turn out with people from Gateway, GCC, PC and SMCC in attendance – 28 people in all.
The eLCoP is composed of faculty and staff dedicated to the research, discussion and dissemination of best practices for eLearning at Maricopa. eLearning includes courses taught hybrid and online, those using a college Learning Management System and learning that occurs via alternative delivery methods. eLCoP is open to all faculty and staff who are interested in positively impacting student learning outcomes through the creation and adoption of eLearning best practices.
In our presentation we shared how we use lecture capture, screencasting, video and audio tools to create short meaningful lectures for our online and hybrid courses. This topic is also relevant to faculty teaching face-to-face who may be interested in the concept of the Flipped Classroom. Below is our timeline with all the videos and links for tools that we shared with you. If you have any questions, add them in the comments below or email any of the other presenters.
2:00-2:10pm Introductions
2:10-2:20pm What are Micro-Lectures
- Microlecture on Microlectures: http://youtu.be/Om2qoes19PA
2:20-2:30pm Discussion
2:30-2:50pm Chris & Amanda talk about Tegrity (http://www.tegrity.com/) & Xtranormal ( http://www.xtranormal.com/)
- Amanda and Chris both teach hybrid classes and use the micro-lectures in their courses. Tegrity is not free, but contact your McGraw-Hill book rep to find out pricing. It can usually be packaged with a current text if you are using a MH text. Xtranormal is free to start and as you want to use more features you can upgrade for a nominal fee.
- Xtranormal video: “Databases vs Google”: http://youtu.be/URk_lOLOpDI
- Xranormal video: “Misconceptions about Teaching Hybrid Courses”: Coming
- Tegrity Lesson: “Parenthetical Notation” – Sound is a little annoying, but play around with the buttons on bottom to see how Tegrity works.
2:50-3:05pm JoAnn talks about using SnagIt, Jing and Camtasia. All can be found at: http://www.techsmith.com/
- Example using Jing to illustrate SnagIt: http://youtu.be/
cFWQMu5y8Ig - Example of website navigation for an assignment using SnagIt: http://youtu.be/g2mQA5P46qc
- Example of content delivery using SnagiIt to capture a short Powerpoint Presentation: http://youtu.be/
3:05-3:20pm Alisa talks about using Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com and AudioBoo (http://audioboo.com) to record quick audio only microlectures on the fly using a mobile device. I also talked about the benefits of YouTube and setting up a YouTube channel.
- Coop’s Tube – YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/soul4real
- Video about Audioboo: http://vimeo.com/10094628
- My Soundcloud channel: http://soundcloud.com/freshmancomp Also read about how I use Soundcloud here.
3:20-3:30pm Open discussion
Additional Resources:
- 7 Things You Should Know about Microlectures – Educause ELI
- Microlectures and Other Snippets – Cornell University
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